'BIG FAT TINY | Junk Food Helps Tiny Lose Weight | Funny Diet Situations by Clay Mixer Fat Tiny entered a running competition and won first prize.It\'s unbelievable.Let\'s see! #WOAVIDEOS #Fat #Tiny #Challenge #Color #shortfilms #Animation #Tiny #Handmade #CLAYMIXER 0:00 Clay Mixer 0:08 BIG FAT TINY 2:14 Who Let The Dogs Out 4:51 Magic well 6:53 Tiny Swordsman 9:15 Brain Is Not My Thing Clay Mixer - YouTube: https://go.woanetwork.com/ClayMixer Adult Cartoon: https://go.woanetwork.com/PlaylistAdultCartoon Relax With Tiny: https://go.woanetwork.com/FanpageRelaxWithTiny About Clay Mixer:
Tags: lose weight , funny , Cartoon , animation , Healthy Food , tiny , animated short film , funny moments , awkward situations , funny situations , Junk Food , clay , embarrassing moments , awkward moments , Prank Video , clay mixer , short film animation , woavideos , hilarious moments , claymixer , clay mixer animation , tiny clay mixer , clay mixer channel , funny and hilarious moments , BIG FAT TINY , Junk Food Helps Tiny Lose Weight , tiny becomes fat , problem with body weight , go on diet
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